Report Output Types (With Examples)
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Last updated
Formats: Excel, Word
This is an excel sheet containing all search terms and which databases each term is scheduled to be run on. You can use it for a quick sanity check to make sure your terms are set up properly.
Example File
Formats: Word
Contents: The protocol contains the contains key information about the Literature Review that will be conducted such as product info and descriptions, which databases will be searched, process for abstract review and full text review. This template can be used or modified to suit, but was designed for compliance with Meddev 2.7.1 rev4 and subsequent EU MDR.
Example File
Formats: Excel
Contents: Contains the List of articles processed during the first pass with their details. Columns Include (but can be customized):
Article Title
Search Term/Database queried to get the result
Review State (Unclassified, Retained, Excluded, Duplicate)
All Extraction Fields (these are custom to your review)
PubMed or FT Link if freely available
Example File:
Formats: Word, Excel
Contents: Contains the List of included articles processed during the second pass with their appraisal details only.
Example File:
Formats: Zip, Excel, DOCX
Contents: Prisma contains the Flow Chart + Table represent the different stages of the review conducting with how many articles were included, excluded, marked as duplicate ...etc
Article Tags Summary: Tags applied to articles for additional sorting: Excel
Formats: Word
Contents: This is the submission-ready report template containing your entire systematic review. It will include:
Background ,description etc.
Search Methodology and and Selection Criteria
Search Methodology Summaries and Prisma Flow Chart
Search Result Summaries SoTA
tables of term, pubs yielded, Duplicates, Included, Excluded, Unclassified, not imported out of range
Search Result Summaries - Subject Device
Search Results (Full Results)
Clinical Literature Appraisal
References for Retained and Included Citations
Adverse Event Results and Discussion
Technical Sheets (to be attached by manufacturer)
Search Verification (Explanation)
Signature Page
Formats: Zip
Contents: Contains the List of Included Articles Full Text PDFs
Formats: Zip of word docs
Contents: This is the real ‘meat’ of your report. Containing all significant sections with only discussion and review of the Retained literature. If you are planning to just copy out the data extraction tables into your own report template, the condensed report makes this much easier.
Formats: Zip of several filetypes
Contents: The search validation zip file is for your auditors. It contains the exact search file from every single search performed directly on the associated database. This is the ultimate justification for getting a reproducible search.
Formats: Word, Excel
Contents: Appendix E2 contains all Maude processed events and any associated summary commentary.