Defining Extraction Fields (Advanced Menu)
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These are the fields you will fill out during the 2nd Pass, Clinical Assessment Part of the Review
By default, comes with ‘data extraction’ fields to assess clinical literature that should produce Meddev 2.7.1 Rev 4 and EU MDR. These fields are as follows (subject to change in subsequent app versions).
Extraction fields can be edited (add new ones, remove old ones) from the Main Menu.
Click ‘Add Extraction Field’ to create a new field. The form looks like the following:
Field Name
Pick a name that’s descriptive of your extraction field.
Extraction Category
Select the category that the field will be applied to. Choices are Study Design, Treatment, Study Result.
Field Type
This is the type of object that the user will interact with. Choices are either a Text Box, or a Multi-Select Box (multiple choice).