Fixing Missing Citations
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Occasionally, a database will provide us a search result that is missing a citation. In this instance the user (or support customers) will need to manually update the Citation of the Article.
This list can be found under Advanced Menu item ‘Fix Bad Citations’
Missing Citations can be easily found when a PMID or PMCID is provided. In all other cases, the search result should be considered insufficient, and excluded from the review.
Consider the below example:
The row with the title ‘Oral Presentation’ does not have a unique ID, and can be ignored as bad data. This will be excluded from your review.
The row with the two PubMed IDs, can be searched directly on PubMed and found. From there, simply copy the citation from Pubmed into the text box and click submit.
Searching a PubMed ID.
Entering a PubMed or PMCID Directly into the PubMed Search Interface
Click ‘Cite’ from the resultant article. And copy the result.
Copy the Citation into and click submit.